
PISANG Trip to Scandinavia

Talk in Gothenburg
Hamidi giving talk in Gothenburg, Sweden

In Stockholm, we held an event with the Pattani Malays (Pattani is located in southern Thailand). The discussion was also very lively and everybody wished we had more time. At the request of the participants, we conducted a group jinn-screening session. Jinn screening is a diagnostic tool using Islamic Shariah-compliant incantation (ruqyah) for the detection of jinn-related problems. Our 3 days in Stockholm were also filled with requests for Quranic Therapy from the Muslim community there.

Our brief stay in Norway was filled by visiting the Muslim community in Oslo. We are also grateful to a family in Fredrikstad who hosted a dinner for us. The family knew of our trip to Norway beforehand and had requested us to visit them.

The Netherlands is one of the countries in Europe that PISANG delegation frequently go. The request from the community for Quranic Therapy has been growing since our first visit many years ago, but due to time constraint, we can only afford to accept limited number of requests for Quranic Therapy.

Since the formal registration of PISANG in the UK about 6 years ago, we have been at the forefront of innovative efforts to promote Quranic Therapy. In the early days, we held mobile clinics to bring awareness to the public and also conducted training courses. We have always viewed Quranic Therapy as a health discipline. Since our registration, we have moved forward to improve the therapy through our own research and development. Our aim is to make Quranic Therapy a mainstream therapy for jinn-related disorder. We also aim to create a new generation of Quranic Therapists who will be highly respected for their professionalism in the health sector. Muslims and non-Muslims will be able to benefit from this new breed of therapists.

In December last year, we embarked on a new service called the Quranic Therapy Retreat. This service is the result of our own research and development and we are confident that this innovative service is the future for therapy of jinn-related disorders. PISANG is a registered organisation and we built our reputation through our track record and professional credentials. With our expertise and determination on research and development, our Quranic Therapy can only get better.


Therapists for jinn possession

The belief that spirits can possess a person is not something new. It is also believed in various cultures, religious or atheistic. Different cultures have different ways of expelling the spirits from the possessed person. Ancient practices include trephining (drilling a hole in the skull) to release the spirit.

In Islam, the different species of spirits are collectively referred to as jinn in the Arabic language. The terminology “jinn” in Islam has a different concept from the terminology “spirits” as believed in many other cultures. Many would attach the word “evil” to “spirits” but not all jinn are evil. There are also civilised jinn who have their own system of governance and believe in religion.

Although the word “jinn” is used in Islam, it does not mean that jinn have never entered the human body before Islam. Semitic religions before Islam have their own ways of dealing with jinn. The Quran was not revealed then, so it is obvious that they did not use any Quranic verses. One of the methods in Islam that is used for the exorcism is ruqyah. Ruqyah means incantation. With the arrival of Islam, guidelines were put in place forbidding all polytheistic practices including prohibition of having polytheistic contents in incantations. In one instance, from an authentic narration, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) even approved an incantation from pre-Islamic period (meaning non-Quranic incantation) that did not have any polytheistic content. In other words, Islam defined polytheism as a boundary that must never be crossed.

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The Need for a Paradigm Shift

When it comes to seeking treatment for perceived jinn-related disorder, many studies have found out that Muslims will prefer to resort to religious leaders for advise or treatment. If the person perceives that his or her jinn-related disorder is a “punishment from God”, religious leaders will then become a natural source of guidance for advise on the expiation of sins in order to remove the “punishment from God”. Doctors will be the last resort as they are perceived as unable to deal with metaphysical jinn issues. Mental Health professionals e.g. psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists are also ranked low compared to religious leaders or those who are directly involved in treating jinn-related disorders.

Religious leaders are equipped with knowledge to empower a person to increase their spirituality. Many studies have also found out that spirituality helps in increasing the well-being of a person and enables one to come to terms with their predicament. However, jinn-related disorders are not just a simplistic spiritual issue and religious leaders are not equipped with the knowledge to deal with the impact of the disorders, nor are they equipped with solutions that deliver therapeutic benefit.

Jinn-related disorders can be psychological, psycho-somatic or even somatic in nature. Somatic illnesses caused by jinn can go unnoticed for years and may only be realised after all modern medical treatment has failed and the person starts to make recovery after undergoing jinn-related therapy.

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Conversation with jinn: Entertainment vs Efficacy

When Freud knew about hypnosis from Breur, he was very excited indeed. In a matter of seconds, hypnosis can change a person’s personality and one could converse with this “other personality”. Freud later abandoned hypnosis because it doesn’t work all the time. However the experience he had by using hypnosis on his clients led him to develop the theory of the unconscious mind.

Today, we have various videos on YouTube where a different personality emerges not under hypnotism but after the recitation of ruqyah (Quranic incantation). The main difference is the interpretation of this “other personality”. Freud would consider it as the unconscious mind but those doing ruqyah will consider it to be the jinn. One thing in common in the excitement when the “other personality” takes control of the body. For the sake of argument, I will refer to this “other personality” as the jinn.

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The GP or the exorcist?

When PISANG was formed 5 years ago, the Muslims in UK refrained from talking openly about jinn possession problems, fearing that they might be ridiculed for believing a medieval concept. Things have now changed and the awareness of jinn related disorder has risen amongst them. As a result, Muslims are more open to discuss their jinn-related disorders and also recommending friends or relatives to seek therapy for suspected jinn-related disorders.

The awareness of jinn-related disorders has brought both relief and discomfort. Many are relieved to find out that there is another explanation to the predicaments they have been suffering in the past. They now believe that they have been suffering from jinn possession and started to look at other forms of therapy. Ruqyah (Quranic incantation) is one form of therapy for jinn-possession. The rush to find the “cure” to jinn-possession has caused an increase in the number of people learning and offering ruqyah.

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Leadership Training Programme in Sweden a Success

Lund Leadership

PISANG successfully conducted a leadership training programme in Lund, Sweden on 6th May 2012. The event was attended by members of the Malay community from Sweden, Germany and Norway who originally came from Patani (Southern Thailand). PISANG’s chairman, Hamidi, presented “Melayu Di Eropah: Sumbangan Menerusi Kepimpinan Berkualiti” (Malays in Europe: Contributions Through Quality Leadership) and the Director of Islamic Support, Ustaz Halim, presented “Corak Kepimpinan Islam di Negara Minoriti Islam” (The Characteristics of Islamic Leadership in Muslim Minority Countries). The event also featured a workshop on “Golongan Muda Pemangkin Pembaharuan” (The Young Generation as a Catalyst for Reform”). A combination of English and Malay languages were used throughout the event.

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PISANG Reaches to Europe

Turkish community Rotterdam

PISANG delegation comprising of all 4 directors and 4 volunteers toured Europe from 6th to 14th Septermber 2011. The tour aimed to extend nextworking with Muslim communities in Europe, promote Quranic Therapy and prepare the groundwork for future events there. We are pleased with the outcome of the tour and had forged valuable links with Muslim communities in Chamonix, Geneva, Berne, Frankfurt and Rotterdam.

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Muslims & Mental Health: Stigmatised by Myth or Justifiable Concerns?

Muslim & Mental Health

Oxfordshire Mind (Registered Charity Number 261476) in association with PISANG will inshaAllah be holding a community event to discuss issues surrounding ‘Muslims & Mental Health’.

Title: Muslims & Mental Health: Stigmatised by Myth or Justifiable Concerns?
Date: Saturday 26th March 2011
Time: 1pm – 4pm
Venue: The Mill, 46 Cowley Road, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 1HZ

Admission is free and all are welcome

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Experts Seminar on the Implementation of Sihir Crime Law in Malaysia

Muzakarah Pakar

Jabatan Mufti Selangor (The Mufti Department of the state of Selangor, Malaysia) in collaboration with PISANG (Professional Islamic Support and Nurture Group) held its second experts seminar (Muzakarah Pakar ke-2) on the challenges for the implementation of sihir crime law in Malaysia on Wednesday 21st July 2010. The seminar focussed on the challenges of the prosecution of sihir criminals in the shariah court and was attended by about 140 experts from various disciplines e.g. experts in shariah law, academicians, medical doctors and Islamic Medical practitioners.

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