Oxfordshire Mind (Registered Charity Number 261476) in association with PISANG will inshaAllah be holding a community event to discuss issues surrounding ‘Muslims & Mental Health’.
Title: Muslims & Mental Health: Stigmatised by Myth or Justifiable Concerns?
Date: Saturday 26th March 2011
Time: 1pm – 4pm
Venue: The Mill, 46 Cowley Road, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 1HZ
Admission is free and all are welcome
The event will bring together people from various backgrounds and disciplines e.g. Muslim and non-Muslim professionals in the Mental Health field, and the Muslim community. You can contribute in this event during the workshop sessions.
Topics will include:
– Understanding Mental Health
– Stigma within the community
– Addressing Muslim sensitivities
– Barriers to accessing services
A brief outline of the presentation is as follows:
- A lot of unreported Mental Health Problems within Muslim community
- Stigma of Mental Health Problem within Muslim community is a reality
- Not uncommon to find Muslims suffering in silence for over 10 years.
Aim of presentation
- Provide baseline knowledge to enable everybody to contribute in group discussion.
- Baseline knowledge on Islamic philosophical view of existence
- Baseline knowledge on perceived relationship between belief system and illnesses
- Baseline knowledge on problems in accessing services
- Highlights why there is a stigma with Mental Health
- Highlights why there is a stigma in accessing services
- Bridging Muslims and mainstream Mental Health organisations.
Outline of presentation
- Islamic existential perspective
- Religion & Spirituality in Islam
- Spirituality and Illnesses
- Muslims’ perception of Mental Health Problems
- Dangers of stigma
- Barriers in seeking help
- Muslims’ expectation of therapist.
For further enquiries please contact PISANG: 07799 464642 / info @ pisang.org.uk